Chateau Chauvin
Durch die Aufteilung eines großen Besitzes 1852 wurde Chateau Chauvin gegründet. 2014 kaufte Sylvie Cazes das Chateau.
Die Weinberge - 15 Hektar im Nordwesten von Saint Emilion nahe Pomerol - liegen an einem Stück rund um das Chateau, hauptsächlich mit Merlot (75%) bestockt neben Cabernet Franc (20%) und Cabernet Sauvignon (5%).
- Notizen des Weinguts: „Château Chauvin is located to the north-west of Saint-Émilion, half way between Cheval Blanc and the Butte de Rol, close to the Pomerol appellation.
The soil at Chauvin is sandy clay, benefiting from the presence of a pseudogley and an iron-rich sub-soil similar to that found in parts of Pomerol. Thanks to its lower water retention capacity, the soil rapidly succumbs to water shortages, thus allowing the grapes to ripen more quickly.
The efficient drainage of the entire vineyard also allows run-off of water during the wettest periods. (…)
Sylvie Cazes has for goal to produce wines embodying the terroir of Château Chauvin. Thus, since she bought the property in May 2014, Sylvie Cazes led a study of the soils and sub-soil, she proceeded to the uprooting of less-productive plots then to a re-planting programme and invested in new tools for the harvesting. Sylvie also put back in place the process of working the soil beneath the vines so as to allow the roots to dig deeper into the clay, and she introduced a new drainage system. Thanks to all this work in the vineyard, the style of Château Chauvin defines itself, year after year.“
Nach der Handlese und 2-5 Tagen Kaltmazeration werden die Traube in temperaturkontrollierten Edelstahltanks vergoren. Der Wein reift für 15-18 Monate in Eichenfässern (60% neu).
Weingut: Chateau Chauvin
Menschen/Inhaber: Sylvie Cazes
Region/Ort: Saint Emilion
Betriebsgröße: 15 Hektar