Alban John
Er ist ein großes Vorbild für junge Önologen und ist die prägende Figur der kalifornischen RHONE RANGER. Ohne ihn würde es diese Bewegung erst gar nicht geben. Die Rede ist von:
Die Presse überschlägt sich förmlich mit Lob, hier einige Stimmen:
- ROBERT PARKER: „John and Lorraine Alban are unquestionably the leading Central Coast pioneers of wines made from Rhône Valley varietals, and their winery is an educational center and a virtual mecca for young winemakers aspiring to make great Syrah, Grenache, Roussanne, Viognier and Mourvèdre. John Alban began planting his estate vineyards in 1990 with what were then regarded as unknown and little-respected varietals.“
- ROBERT PARKER, THE WORLDS’ GREATEST WINE ESTATES 2005: “…John Alban has always been one of California’s finest viticulturalists. There is no question that the fruit from his vineyards is as fabulous as can be produced in California…” Intro to Alban Vineyards chapter as one of the 23 wineries in the United States recognized as among THE WORLD’S GREATEST.”
- ANTONIO GALLONI: “It is fair to say no one has done more for the Rhone Ranger movement in this country than John Alban. First and foremost, the Alban wines have led the way in terms of quality for many years. A founder of the hugely successful Hospice du Rhone, Alban has also planted and developed a number of clones that bear his name and that are used widely throughout California.”
- JEB DUNNUCK: „If I had to come up with a list of the greatest wine estate in the world, Alban Vineyards would certainly be in there. Readers need to understand that this estate is an anomaly, lying at the very end of the Edna Valley, and the only estate in 50+ miles making wines of this quality. Vintages here marginally track the larger central coast theme, yet not always. These are singular wines.“
- STEVE TANZER: “John Alban … defied the received wisdom by turning his property into one of this country’s greatest sites for red and white Rhône Valley varieties”
- JANCIS ROBINSON: „He's a most impressive guy, ploughing his own Rhôney furrow down south here with dedication and no distraction from the goals he has set himself. (…) What is so impressive about the Alban style is that it is such a recognisable blend of Rhône integrity, savour and depth with Californian gloss and warmth. If only all Californian Rhône wines were so serious. If only all Rhône wines were so welcoming and concentrated.“
-LISA PERROTTI-BROWN: "… reds possess, providing incredibly provocative restraint and depth that will keep fans wondering where their glass went and reaching for another. Enjoy!"
- VINUM: “Without him there would never have been the Central Coast ‘Rhone Miracle.’ John Alban … the essence of Viognier and sheer class.”
- Steve Heimoff, WINE ENTHUSIAST: “Even among competing winemakers, Alban is the acknowledged VIOGNIER MASTER in California.”
John Albans Ziel sind köstliche Weine höchster Qualität. Daher denkt er sehr weit und die Weinberge werden so nachhaltig wie irgendwie möglich bearbeitet. Er verzichtet dabei auf eine Zertifizierung. Mit einem Augenzwinkern meint er, sie sind weder ORGANIC, noch BIO-DYNAMIC, aber sie sind 100 % ALBANIC. Auf Herbizide und Pestizide wird komplett verzichtet, ebenso auf Bewässerung. In den Weinbergen leben sogar Schafe und verrichten wertvolle Dienste. Als anderes Extrem wird modernste Technik eingesetzt. Eine automatischen Drohne mit dem Namen El Diablo gibt beispielsweise Vogellaute von sich. Damit werden Vögel vertrieben, die ansonsten die Trauben aufessen. Als witziges aber nützliches Beiwerk haben die Vogellaute Falken und Habichte angelockt, die wiederum die gefräßigen Vögel dezimieren.
Die Weine sind rar, werden international sehr geschätzt und werden preislich speziell in den USA höher gehandelt als hier bei uns.
Weingut: Alban
Menschen/Inhaber: John Alban
Region/Ort: Kalifornien