Jim Binns von der Andremily Vineyards & Winery war 12 Jahre Winemaker bei Manfred Krankl auf seinem Weingut Sine Qua Non. Mit dem Jahrgang 2012 startete er gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Rachel das eigene Label Andremily, benannt nach den Kindern Andrew & Emily. Manfred Krankl war es auch, der Jim Binns Starthilfe gab, indem er ihm Trauben aus dem Pachtweinberg White Hawk Vineyard überlassen hat. Das Weingut von Jim Binns befindet sich unweit von Sine Qua Non in Ventura bei Santa Barbara. Im Laufe der Jahre kamen weitere Weine aus erstklassigen Weinbergen hinzu, etwa aus dem Larner Vineyard, dem Alta Mesa Vineyard und dem Slide Hill Vineyard im kühleren Edna Valley, den Jim sogar gekauft hat (zuvor Sawyer-Lindquist). Die Grundlage der Qualitäten liegen in den Weinbergen und es werden keine Kosten und Mühen gescheut um jetzt und in Zukunft absolute Spitzenqualitäten ernten zu können. Jim sieht sich eher als Farmer denn als Winemaker. Hier wird extrem seriös im Weinberg gearbeitet, damit die Pflanzen gesund sind und bleiben, die Erträge limitiert werden und die Weinberge eine gute Balance haben.
Gelesen wird bei optimaler Reife und es wird mehrfach penibel ausgelesen. Danach folgt eine lange, kühle Maischestandzeit bevor die Gärung startet. Der ganze Prozess wir sehr genau überwacht um die Extraktion optimal zu erwischen. Danach wird abgepresst und die Weine direkt in französische Fässer abgefüllt. Dort bleiben sie 22-28 Monate bis zu Flaschenfüllung. 60-70 % neue Fässer werden alljährlich verwendet. Die Weine von Andremily erhalten stets ähnlich hohe Bewertungen wie jene des berühmten Lehrmeisters Manfred Krankl. Sie vereinen Kraft, Konzentration mit Finesse, Lebendigkeit und großer Präzision!
Jeb Dunnuck: „This was another brilliant lineup from Jim Binns. The 2019s here are easily the finest I’ve ever tasted, and the 2020s don’t appear to be far behind, although they bring a touch more oomph compared to the powerful, yet elegant 2019s.“
Jeb Dunnuck: „Winemaker Jim Binns continues to pretty much knock it out of the park in every vintage. His 2017s are unquestionably some of the greatest wines in the vintage, and the Mourvèdre (along with John Alban's The Mason Forsyth cuvée) is undoubtedly one of the finest expressions of this variety coming out of California today. These are powerful, full-bodied wines that make no excuses for their fruit or opulence while staying perfectly balanced, pure, and elegant. Readers should not miss these stunningly singular wines.“
VINOUS Antonio Galloni: „Andremily is one of the great recent success stories in Santa Barbara. The 2017s are the first wines Jim Binns made entirely as his new facility after leaving Sine Qua Non. (…) In tasting the wines really seem to show added degree of focus and precision, which is of course great to see.“
VINOUS Antonio Galloni: „It’s exciting times at Andremily. Last year Jim Binns acquired Slide Hill (formerly Sawyer-Lindquist), the well-known site in Edna Valley, a major step towards becoming a true estate. The range continues to expand with a new Grenache bottling. As always, the wines are done in an opulent style informed by the years Binns spent working alongside Manfred and Elaine Krankl at Sine Qua Non. The 2018s and 2019s are terrific. Binns describes 2019 as warmer than 2018, with more stem lignification and a harvest that was a good 10-14 days earlier than 2018. In tasting, all the wines are pretty rich. The 2018s have a touch more energy, but that is splitting hairs at this level.“
VINOUS Antonio Galloni: „Jim Binns continues to expand in impressive fashion. Readers will note the introduction of a new white. As always, the wines are done in a rich, unctuous style, with extended maceration and tons of depth. With the right sites, that style can be incredibly exciting.“
Robert Parkers WINE ADVOCATE, Lisa Perrotti-Brown: „In May 2019, I paid a visit to Andremily owner, Jim Binns, at his small winemaking facility in Ventura, CA. A former employee at Sine Qua Non, not only did this guy learn from the best, he has taken the baton and run off into his own very clever direction with it. I think it is safe to say that with the possible exception of Beaucastel’s Hommage a Jacques Perrin, there is no one in the world producing greater Mourvedre than Jim. It is a variety that he clearly loves and has mastered like no other. Most impressive is the quality of the tannins in his varietal label (85%+ Mourvedre)—astonishing when you consider how difficult it can be to get Mourvedre tannins this ripe!“
Weingut: Andremily
Menschen/Inhaber: Jim Binns
Region/Ort: Kalifornien, Central Coast