Josep Grau Volador Negre 2022

Top Value! 92 Guia Penin; 92 JoS; 91 Vinous, J. Hidalgo;
12,50 €
16,67 € pro 1 l
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand
0,75 l

75% Grenache, 25% Carignan und Syrah aus den Weinbergen Falset, Marca und Capcanes, 20 Hektar; 20 Hektar, Kalk und Lehm; die Trauben werden entrappt und dann in Betontanks vergoren, der Wein reift dort für 3 Monate;
- Notizen des Weinguts: „This wine is characterized by its freshness and intensity of fruit, especially red fruits such as strawberries and cherries. Alsowith floral, licorice and pepper notes which complements its aromatic range. It is a round, pleasant, persistent, delicate and pure wine, and with very good acidity that makes us salivate and want to take another sip.

- 92 Punkte JoS, Josef Schreiblehner: „Mittleres Rubinrot mit aufhellendem Rand; feine Aromen von roten Früchten, Cranberries, Erdbeeren, Himbeeren, Kräuter, nasse Steine, Mineralien, etwas Bitterschokolade; wirkt frisch und direkt; am Gaumen feinfruchtig, elegant, finessenreich, hat Zug und Frische, feine Mineralität, trinkig und eingängig, ein gutes Glas Wein zu einer Brotzeit, zu einem Lamm mit Kräutern oder ein Kalbskotelett, für die Gastronomie auch hervorragend für Banketts oder den glasweisen Ausschank geeignet; mittlere+ Säure, rund und feincremige mit dem kleinen bisschen Biss. Stimmig und ausgewogen. Gute Länge. Hat die Feinheit eines Pinots und passt daher gut in ein Burgunderglas, etwa von Riedel. 92 Punkte."

From Revolution to Evolution: The Garnatxas and Cariñenas of Priorat & Montsant (Nov 2024) by Joaquín Hidalgo: “A long-time wine lover, Josep Grau made a small fortune in finance before turning to his passion. He started in Priorat in 1993, purchasing a vineyard in Capçanes, Montsant in 2003 and setting up his winery there a couple of years later. In 2016, he returned to Priorat with the purchase of a farmhouse in Gratallops. Grau has produced wines in diverse styles over the years. Today, he crafts finely tuned reds made with Garnatxa and Cariñena, delivering plenty of flavor without stylistic exaggeration and exploring the more delicate side of these varieties.“

- 91 Punkte, VINOUS, Joaquin Hidalgo (11/2024): „The 2022 Volador is a blend of 75%Garnatxa with 25% Carinena and Syrah, sourced from Montsant. This ripe rid wine presents faint herbal tones alongside sun-kissed black fruit and a hint of mint. Dry and juicy, it features a taut texture with a mild, lasting finish. Drinking Window: 2025-2034“

NAME und ETIKETT: L ́Efecte Volador is a wine that was born in 2013 from Josep Grau's commitment to the winegrowers of the area, with the idea of valuing their work and the land they work.
A wine of honest producers and winegrowers and accessible to everyone.
The purchase of grapes from these small winegrowers made some young vineyards enter production from their third year at good prices for small farmers, and lands that at that time were abandoned, were replanted.
This is a commitment that has lasted for 10 years. It is part of Josep Grau's commitment to the territory.
Many of these initial vineyards have been growing, and the quality of the grapes, over the years has also been improving, so these grapes have been incorporated into other wines that we produce in the winery.
After 10 years, new plantations accompany the initial ones and new winegrowers have been incorporated into this project that brings us so many emotions during the year.
Volador is the first wine we produce from each vintage. Youth, fruit and territory, are its characteristics. A friendly wine, of pleasure, an explosion of fruit, to accompany and certainly to share.
But also, over the years, the passion for viticulture and wine has grown among Josep Grau's children, and now they, together with their father, intervene directly in the project.
Young energies for a vibrant project.
In 2013, Valeri Jubenteny (RIP) designed the label of this wine. The design was an adventure lived by Valeri and Josep together with great intensity. A human story of overcoming and friendship.
Now, it was time to work the new image with intensity. But it wasn't just a matter of design. Josep wanted the connection with the previous design to have a spiritually consistent thread.
After so many years watching a man fly so far, with his wings of wood and fabric, Josep wanted him closer, now that he was gone. This is how the two creators of the initial label would be together again.
Now, Sergi Ferrando, has designed this new version, with a close pilot, enjoying with the look of the privilege of having lived a past to be proud of, the plane flies further, and a flower on the lapel of the aviator always reminds us of the power and magic of the field and the land that is where it all begins.“



Vinous: 91 VS
Inhalt: 0,75 l
Rebsorte(n): CarignanGrenache noir / Garnacha tintoRhone Rebsorten Cuvee
Land: Spanien
Guia Penin: 92 GP
Josef Schreiblehner: 92 JoS
Jahrgang: 2022
Inhalt: 0,75 l
Reben: 75 % Grenache und 25% Carignan und Syrah aus den Weinbergen Falset, Marca und Capcanes, 20 Hektar
Im Weinberg: 20 Hektar, Kalk und Lehm
Im Weinkeller: Die Trauben werden entrappt und dann in Betontanks vergoren, der Wein reift dort für 3 Monate
% vol Alk: 13,5
Notizen des Weinguts: Die Idee zur Volador Linie wurde 2013 von Josep Grau geboren. Das Projekt ist den Weinbauern aus der Region gewidmet, um Ihre Arbeit wertzuschätzen und das Land, das sie bearbeiten. Wein von ehrlichen, hart arbeitenden Winzern und zugänglich für Jedermann. Der Kauf der Trauben bringt diesen kleinen Weinbauern eine sichere Einnahmequelle und ermöglicht es aufgelassenen Weinberge wieder zu bewirtschaften. Bei einigen dieser Weinberge haben sich die Qualitäten im Laufe der Jahre so gut entwickelt, dass sie in die hochwertigeren Weine von Josep Grau integriert werden konnten und der Winzer dafür noch besser bezahlt werden konnte. Volador ist stets der erste Wein eines Jahrgangs von Josep Grau. Jugend, Frucht und Terroir sind die Charakteristiken der Linie. Denke sie an diese Worte, wenn sie die Volador Weine das erste Mal probieren. Es sind saftige, freundliche Weine, die Vergnügen bereiten, feine Fruchtbomben, die sich hervorragend als Speisebegleiter eignen und auch als fröhliche Gesellschaftsweine. Mittlerweile ist auch bei den Kindern von Josep Grau das Interesse am Wein erwacht und sie bringen sich mit frischer, junger Energie in das Projekt ein. Die Geschichte des Volador Etiketts: „In 2013, Valeri Jubenteny (RIP) designed the label of this wine. The design was an adventure lived by Valeri and Josep together with great intensity. A human story of overcoming and friendship. Now, it was time to work the new image with intensity. But it wasn't just a matter of design. Josep wanted the connection with the previous design to have a spiritually consistent thread. After so many years watching a man fly so far, with his wings of wood and fabric, Josep wanted him closer, now that he was gone. This is how the two creators of the initial label would be together again. Now, Sergi Ferrando, has designed this new version, with a close pilot, enjoying with the look of the privilege of having lived a past to be proud of, the plane flies further, and a flower on the lapel of the aviator always reminds us of the power and magic of the field and the land that is where it all begins.“
Potenziell allergene Substanzen: Enthält Sulfite. Kann Spuren von Eiweiß, Gelatine und Milch enthalten.
Warnungen: Der Konsum von alkoholhaltigen Getränken während der Schwangerschaft kann selbst in geringen Mengen schwere Konsequenzen für die Gesundheit des Kindes nach sich ziehen.
Hersteller: Josep Grau, Orient 2, 43737 Gratallops (Tarragona), Spanien
Jugendschutz: Kein Verkauf und keine Lieferung an Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren!
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